Thursday 28 February 2013

7th Grand Intra Moot Court Competition

22nd -23rd  MARCH, 2013.

The Parliament has passed the Beauty Standards Act, 2013, which bans the use of underweight models in advertising, photo shoots, and on cat walks. It further requires fashion models to produce a medical report no older than three months at every shoot, stating that they are not malnourished by the World Health Organization standards. This raised a great hue and cry in the fashion industry. An NGO, SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action), filed a PIL in the Supreme Court of India challenging   the constitutional validity of the Act. The court admitted the petition and has kept the matter for final hearing on 23-3 2013.  
The last date for registration for the 7th Intra Moot Court Competition is 28th February, 2013 by 5:00pm.
Further Details Contact:
Hari Wadhwana- 9769730735
Disha Shetty- 9833461545